quinta-feira, agosto 03, 2006

Resposta ao Felipe de 13 anos

Mais uma vez, se alguém não souber inglês, temos sempre a ajuda incondicional da nossa ME.

Hi, my name is felipe and im 13 years old. i wanted some opinions of how i would be able to communicate with god and know that he is listening to me and taking care of me. Thank you for your support and help.

xxx Felipe

A minha resposta:

Hi, Felipe.

What do you want, opinions or experiences? These are different, because I can have an opinion about drugs, but I never had drugs. Experience is more than an opinion; it is what life is when is lived. Probably, I have more experience than you, but we never know that.

You questioned me, “How I would be able to communicate with god”. My experience says to me that you are communicating, all the time of your life, with god. You are not disable to communicate with god, the problem here is when you say that, you feel that is impossible to do that, try to say “I am always communicating with god”, then you start to experience that, remember it is your experience.

“How”, Felipe there is many ways to communicate with god, you asked me, and I will answer with my experience; I experience the communication with god through all things around me, but first, I listen myself, I speak with me, I have a dialogue with me, I communicate with me, and then god appears to me, but inside of me, after this I start to see and communicate with god “out” of me.

Felipe, you know that god (he or she or Everything That Is) is listening and taking care of you. Look around you little man, and see mother and father taking care of you. Ok!! You can say Mum and Dad, are not god. But, my experience says to me, they are god for you, remember that for the rest of your life, and you are god for them. Now, who is god?

See you soon,Luís Carlos

E vocês que resposta dariam a este jovem?

7 comentários:

Aragana disse...

As an oficial translator from portuguese to english and vice versa on my preview job, please let me tell you that you have a nice English but you will have to improve your grammar.


Stella disse...

I agree with our Queen Aragana, phrases are good, but grammar needs a little improving!
But very good never the less.

As for the answer, well, it is said that God is all around us, in flowers, in the air we breath, but then again I can't really say that I believe in God... so can't really answer your question. But I do think He is all around us.

Aragana disse...

God is mother nature!

Are we practicing ME?

Desassossego disse...

Eu vou responder em Português, Ok.

Quando ouço a voz do fundo da minha Alma, quando um olhar cumplice me diz que tudo vai correr bem, quando sem esperar a resposta chega até mim, quando me levanto de manhã com a certeza que este vai ser o dia e vou vivê-lo com todas as forças, quando dou ou recebo um abraço sentido, quando eu com o outro formamos o nós...é Deus que acontece...
Um xi grande....

Miudaaa disse...

Quando o mundo parece desabar... mas sentes interiormente que o teu dia vai chegar... esse sentir... é DEUS!!!
Mesmooo quando foste a miudaaa mais feliz do mundo,,, lutaste contra tudo e contra todos, atingiste o topo... e num belo dia... sem saberes porque, o mundo caíu a teus pés.
Um Beijo

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